| Retired Bishop to Take the Stand
Maitland Mercury
June 24, 2013
Former Maitland-Newcastle Diacese bishop, Michael Malone.
Former bishop of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese Michael Malone and the mother of a boy abused at the hands of a Catholic priest in Maitland will take the stand during the next round of public hearings into child sexual abuse allegations across the diocese.
The hearings will continue today in Newcastle Supreme Court, starting with police officers, including former Maitland detective, Wayne Humphrey.
From July 1 hearings are expected to include evidence from diocesan head Bishop Bill Wright and police whistleblower Peter Fox.
Patricia Feenan – the mother of Daniel Feenan who was abused by Father James Patrick Fletcher – is expected to take part in the public hearings from July 8.
The hearings are part of the special commission of inquiry into matters relating to the police investigation of certain child sexual abuse allegations in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland – Newcastle.
The inquiry will work with the National Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
The special commission was established on November 21 last year.
Since then a number of summonses have been issued.