Retired Bishop to Take the Stand

Maitland Mercury
June 24, 2013

Former Maitland-Newcastle Diacese bishop, Michael Malone.

Former bishop of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese Michael Malone and the mother of a boy abused at the hands of a Catholic priest in Maitland will take the stand during the next round of public hearings into child ­sexual abuse allegations across the diocese.

The hearings will continue today in Newcastle Supreme Court, starting with police ­officers, including former Maitland detective, Wayne Humphrey.

From July 1 hearings are expected to include evidence from diocesan head Bishop Bill Wright and police whistleblower Peter Fox.

Patricia Feenan – the mother of Daniel Feenan who was abused by Father James Patrick Fletcher – is expected to take part in the public hearings from July 8.

The hearings are part of the ­special commission of inquiry into matters relating to the police investigation of certain child ­sexual abuse allegations in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland – Newcastle.

The inquiry will work with the National Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The special commission was established on November 21 last year. 

Since then a number of summonses have been issued.


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