| Senior Chabad Rabbi Lied in His Apology, Evidence Reportedly Shows
Failed Messiah
June 24, 2013
Rabbi Boruch Lesches
Rabbi Boruch Lesches issued a partial apology last night for saying that young victims of child sexual abuse may have wanted the sex and consented to it. But Lesches – who did not apologize for claiming that "goyyim" as young as five willingly have sex with dogs and with their own siblings because they are bored and don't have much to do (unlike Jews, who have lots of Torah to study) – apparently lied several times in that apology.
Rabbi Boruch Lesches – Chabad's former rosh yeshiva in Sydney, Australia and its current mora d'asra (chief rabbi) in Monsey, New York – issued a partial apology for saying that young victims of child sexual abuse may have wanted the sex and consented to it, largely by claiming that his remarks were taken out of context and that the Australian newspapers that had the tape of his comments did not try to contact him before accusing him publicly.
But Lesches – who did not apologize for claiming that "goyyim" as young as five willingly have sex with dogs and with their own siblings because they are bored and don't have much to do (unlike Jews, who have lots of Torah to study) – apparently on those and accounts, as The Age reported today:
…Despite Rabbi Lesches clearly recalling in the telephone conversation the alleged abuse of one Sydney boy, he said in his statement [i.e., the partial apology] that he was "never informed of any allegations regarding minors prior to this call".
"In retrospect I am shocked to hear of these allegations, because I often entrusted my own young children to the care of the alleged perpetrator, without hesitation. I would never have done so had I known of the allegations," he said.
Fairfax Media can confirm that the alleged abuser, being investigated by police for sexually abusing at least four boys in the Sydney Yeshiva community, has privately admitted that Rabbi Lesches did speak to him about his activities with a boy believed to be about a decade his junior.
Rabbi Lesches also complained that he had not been contacted by Fairfax Media prior to the story.
In the days before the story was published, Fairfax Media sent emails to Rabbi Lesches' private email address, the main email address of the US Jewish community he leads and to one of his rabbinical colleagues in New York. A text message was also sent to Rabbi Lesches asking for him to respond.…