Catholic Teacher Pleads Guilty to Sexual Abuse
By Emma Alberici
ABC - Lateline
June 21, 2013
Catholic school teacher, Brother Martin Harmata, who worked at Sydney's Patrician Brothers Blacktown College has pleaded guilty to eight charges of sexually abusing three children in his care in the 1980s.
EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: A Catholic school teacher who worked at Sydney's Patrician Brothers Blacktown college has pleaded guilty to eight charges of sexually abusing three children in his care.
Brother Martin Harmata and the school where he taught, fought unsuccessfully to have their names protected
The abuse took place in the mid and late 1980s.
Brother Martin Harmata taught science and maths at Patrician Brothers college Blacktown for 30 years. He left the school in 2012 after one of his victims confronted him in the playground.
Brother Martin befriended many families in the local area convincing parents to let him take their sons away on school camps. He faced the Parramatta district court today to answer eight charges dating back to the late 80s.
Can you tell us how many teachers were involved in these crimes?
Martin Harmata: No comment.
EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: Two other former teachers from the same Catholic boys college are each facing 12 charges of child sexual abuse. It's understood one of the victims will claim in court that he was abused by all three men. The diocese of Parramatta issued a statement saying:
GREG WHITBY, EXEC DIR OF SCHOOLS, DIOCESE OF PARRAMATTA (VOICEOVER): "We are deeply distressed and saddened by the pain and suffering caused to our former students... All crimes against children are intolerable, especially when they are committed by a teacher entrusted with the wellbeing and care of children."
EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: It's understood Brother Martin's legal fees are being paid by the diocese of Parramatta which organised a chauffeur driven car to pick him up and take him back to his home at the Patrician Brothers compound.