The Hague Is above Pope, Vatican, Religion. the Hague Must Prosecute Benedict XVI Now to Prove Secular International Justice Reigns over All Religions and Despots
By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
June 14, 2013
Shame on The Hague for refusing to investigate on Benedict XVI and the Vatican's crimes agains humanity's children for over HALF A CENTURY OF THE 20TH CENTURY. As we pointed out, Excerpt: "Even the International Criminal Court application about such crimes has been stymied by catholic-run legislators and jurists" . Read more here Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI resigns as Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s deceitful to say “Roman Pontiff” of “Roman Catholic Church” --
But SNAP will persist and continue to give more evidence, see news below. May those judges at The Hague bring the final justice to children victims of the Vatican of the 20th century - once and for all - before Benedict XVI dies.
The Hague has judges are controlled by the Opus Dei and whose souls are sold to the Devil Mammon at the Vatican.