Winnipeg Altar Boy Recounts Alleged Abuse by Archbishop in Court

By Dean Pritchard
Sun News
June 11, 2013

A former altar boy who says he was sexually abused by Kenneth William (Seraphim) Storheim told court Tuesday the future archbishop inspected his pyjamas for semen stains.

"He really wanted to look at my pyjamas," the now 39-year-old man testified. "It was like a sexual education briefing, he was talking about pre-ejaculation ... 'because this is what happens at your age.'"

The man said Storheim was naked as he held the pyjamas up to the light.The man said he was 10- or 11-years-old when he spent two weeks living and working with Storheim at a Winnipeg church.

Upon arriving at the church's attached residence, Storheim asked the boy if he would object to Storheim walking around naked, court was told.

"I told him I didn't mind," the man said. "I didn't know any better ... He was a role model (to our family).

Whatever he said, we didn't think twice about it."








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