| The Continuing Troubles of the Serbian Patriarchate
June 8, 2013
June 07, 2013 The troubles of the Serbian Patriarchate continue to afflict the Serbian nation and the souls of individual Serbs. As the previously reported and horrific scandal surrounding Serbian Patriarchate Bishop Vasilije Kacavenda continues, other sources note that the Serbian Patriarchate refused to act despite the evidence (one could also ask Fr. Goran Arsic what happened when he tried to expose the evil). Even the former Deacon of Bp. Vasilije Kacavenda is even writing a book about the matter of sexual abuse in the Serbian Patriarchate. Now it seems that the priest who has been accused of supplying children to Serbian Patriarchate Bishop Vasilije Kacavenda, has also been accused of narcotics trafficking.
Yet, Bp. Vasilije, despite being relieved (and not deposed by the Serbian Patriarchal Synod) continues to maintain his innocence.
It seems, however, that the Serbian Patriarchate is in the worst moral crisis it has ever experienced; bishops being accused for years of immoralities and abuse, the official Serbian Patriarchate intentionally ignoring the accusations, bishops being penalized who simply criticized the Serbian government, priests involved in narcotics trafficking and pimping children to bishops, abbots being relieved of their positions over sexual abuse, and the Serbian Patriarchate deeply involved in ecumenism with its Patriarch publicly celebrating Jewish religious festivals with Roman Catholic and Islamic clergy. What more, one asks, can we expect to be revealed next?