| Ipswich: 'Orphanage Was a Hell', Says Victim of Brutal Priest
By Colin Adwent
The Eadt 24
June 4, 2013
David Cox of Ipswich talks about St Francis Boy's Home
As Ipswich man has spoken of the brutality inflicted by a priest at the centre of a police investigation into alleged abuse at a Catholic orphanage.
Describing St Francis Boys Home, near Bedford, David Cox, of Alderman Road, said: “That place was a brutal hellhole.”
The 61-year-old left the orphanage in 1968 when aged 16.
Mr Cox and at least two other former residents have said they were physically abused by Father John Ryan, who died five years ago.
He said: “Even though John Ryan is dead, the memories are not.
“Ryan was the most brutal man I’ve ever come across in my life. He threw kids around like they were toys. We were all punch bags.
“We were caned and punched and slapped, and you’d see blood.
“To be fair there were a lot of good times as well, but a lot of the time when he lost his temper that’s when the brutality happened.
“If anything went wrong he just blew. Then you would sit there and were quaking hoping he wouldn’t pick on you.”
Mr Cox said he wants the Catholic Church to acknowledge what went on and apologise for it.
“What’s so hard to come to terms with is these were people of the cloth.
“It doesn’t matter how long ago it was the Catholic Church has to realise it employed brutal bullies.”
The home closed in 1974 and was run by the Catholic Diocese of Northampton.
A diocesan spokesman has been reported elsewhere as saying: “The Catholic Church deeply regrets any physical or emotional hurt that may have been caused, but the claims are not proven, and it would be inappropriate for us to enter a discussion while the case is under investigation.”
Bedfordshire Police has confirmed an investigation is under way. A civil action is also being considered.
Contact: colin.adwent@archant.co.uk