| Fr. Helmut Schuller
The Catholic
June 2, 2013
Fr. Helmut Schuller, founder of the Austrian Priests’ Initiative, a movement organized in 2006
to address an increasing shortage of priests, will be on a national speaking tour this summer.
His “Call to Disobedience,” signed by a majority of Austrian priests, has brought worldwide
attention and momentum to addressing the crises in the Catholic Church. Today, he leads a practical movement that recognizes the Holy Spirit among the laity and the necessity of reforming church governance. Join Helmut Schuller and Catholics across the country in a
new season of dialogue.
Tour Dates
New York City • Boston • Philadelphia • Baltimore • Washington, DC • Chicago • Cleveland • Detroit • Cincinnati • Denver • San Diego • Los Angeles • Portland, OR • Seattle • Long Island, NY
July 16 New York City
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
7:00 PM
Contact: Francis X. Piderit francis@piderit.com C: 917-916-7575 T: 212-826-3118
Art McGrath artmcgrath@aol.com
July 17 Boston, MA
St. Susannah’s
262 Needham St. Dedham MA
7:00 PM
Contact: Ron DuBois debber@beld.net 781-843-1676
July 19 Philadelphia, PA
Chestnut Hill College
7: 00 PM
Contact: Regina Bannan reginab317@gmail.com 215-545-9649
Joe Boyle josephboyleoil@comcast.net
July 21 Baltimore, MD
Contact: Sr. Jeannine Gramick gramick@verizon.net 301-277-5674
Dolly Pomerleau dollywood20722@hotmail.com
July 22 Washington, D.C.
National Press Club
Contact: Erin Saiz Hanna ehanna@womensordination.org 401-588-0457
Ben Palumbo bpalumbo@covad.net 202-957-2416
July 24 Chicago, IL
Contact: Bob Heineman bob@cta-usa.org 847-682-1056
July 25 Cleveland, OH
Independence Middle School Auditorium
6111 Archwood Road, Independence, OH
7:00 PM
Contact: Liz England liz@futurechurch.org
Sr. Christine Schenk chris@futurechurch.org 216-513-3647
July 26 Cleveland, OH
Cleveland City Club
850 Euclid Ave # 200
Luncheon: (Phone ahead for reservations) (216) 621-0082
Contact: Sr. Christine Schenk chris@futurechurch.org 216-513-3647
July 26 Detroit, MI
SS Simon and Jude
32500 Palmer Rd. Westland, MI
7:30 PM
Contact: Fr .Gerry Bechard pastor@stssimonandjude.com 734-722-1343
July 27 Cincinnati
Fairview-Clifton German Language School
3689 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220
2-4 pm
Contact: Deborah Rose Milavec rosemilavec@fuse.net
July 29 Denver, CO
Capitol Heights Presbyterian
1100 Fillmore Street
7 PM
Contact: Brad Cameron bwillcameron@comcast.net 303-832-4282
July 31 San Diego, CA
The First Unitarian Universalist Church
Bard Hall 4190 Front Street San Diego, CA 92103
7:00 PM
Contact: Michael Crowley cta_sandiego@yahoo.com
David Glassner dglass123@hotmail.com 858-864-2708
August 2 Los Angeles, CA
Westminster Presbyerian Church
Morrison Hall
1757 North Lake Ave.,
Pasadena, CA 91104. 7:30 pm
Contact: Fr. Kevin Steen 323-258-2916
Frank Miller framil1939@yahoo.com
August 4 Portland, OR
Central Lutheran Church
1820 NE 21st. Ave, Portland, OR 97212
2-4 PM
Contact: Nancy Dennehy ndbdpdx@comcast.net 503-238-1942
August 5 Seattle, WA
Seattle United Methodist Church
180 Denny Way, Seattle, WA
Contact: Patrick Callahan revcall@aol.com206-329-1234
August 6 Manhasset, NY
Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock
48 Shelter Rock Rd., Manhasset, NY 1103
Social Hall: 7:00 PM (coffee @ 6:30)
Contact: Phil Megna pmegna@mattonegroup.com
Pat Paone paongael@optonline.net 516-627-2438