| Merseyside Priest Suspended after Child Porn Probe
Liverpool Echo
May 29, 2013
Reverend Ian Hughes
A vicar was suspended from his duties in a Merseyside parish after being arrested in a child porn probe.
Reverend Ian Hughes was questioned by police after being arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.
The Church of England confirmed Rev Hughes was suspended as soon as they were made aware of his arrest.
Known for his facial piercings, Rev Hughes was Priest-in-Charge of Wirral parishes Poulton and Seacombe.
He is thought to have left his home in Brougham Road since his arrest last week, although a dog – thought to be his pet husky – could be heard at the property last night.
A note on his front door advised visitors on church business to contact the warden of St Paul’s in Seacombe. Neighbours reacted in shock to his arrest, claiming he had left on Saturday.
One neighbour told the ECHO: “He keeps himself to himself. He has a lot of old people at his house doing bible classes, but seemed quite amenable.”
Another added: “He was a nice bloke and I’m very surprised. I only spoke to him to say hi. He kept himself to himself.”
Hughes had worked in the area for several years, leading a campaign to build a new spire at St Paul’s which netted ?270,000 of Lottery funding in 2011.
A spokesman for the Church of England Diocese of Chester confirmed his congregation at St Paul’s were informed of his arrest on Sunday.
He said: “The Bishop of Chester suspended the Priest-in-Charge of the parishes in Poulton and Seacombe – Ian Hughes – immediately we knew of his arrest. Full co-operation is now taking place with the police and the authorities.
“We await outcomes from the current investigation and the workings of the justice system.
“The Church of England takes such matters very seriously. In the meantime, a senior priest has agreed to provide ministry and pastoral support for parishioners.”
A spokeswoman for Merseyside police said: “Merseyside Police can confirm that a 45-year-old man from Wallasey has been arrested on suspicion of being in possession of indecent images of children.
“He was arrested on Wednesday (22 May) and was bailed pending further enquiries. Investigations are ongoing.”