More Priest Files to Be Released in LA over Summer
May 28, 2013
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A judge says Roman Catholic religious orders have until September to release secret files on their priests who were accused of molesting children while working in the Los Angeles archdiocese.
Superior Court Judge Emilie Elias said Tuesday the orders must release documents on dozens of priests who belonged to orders such as the Vincentians, Claretians and Marinists, among others.
Lead plaintiff attorney Ray Boucher says the first files could be public within three weeks.
The archdiocese released files on 120 priests earlier this year under a judge's order after a 5-year legal battle.
The disclosure was part of a 2007 settlement that paid $660 million to more than 500 plaintiffs.
Many priests who worked in the archdiocese but belonged to separate religious orders were not included in that initial release.