Top Aust Cardinal Told 'Be Honest' about Sex Abuse

The Tvnz
May 27, 2013

Australia's most senior Catholic has been urged to be honest about crimes committed against children by clergy when he appears before a parliamentary inquiry.

Cardinal George Pell will be the last witness to give evidence at Victoria's child sex abuse inquiry on Monday afternoon.

Victims rights groups are calling on Cardinal Pell to face up to the horrors committed by members of the Catholic Church.

And Victorian Premier Denis Napthine has called on him to be completely open and frank about the church's handling of such crimes within its ranks.

"He should be fully apologetic, should be absolutely sorry about what has occurred in the Catholic Church and some of the actions of the Catholic Church," Napthine said on Sunday.

Cardinal Pell is due to appear before the inquiry at 1.30pm local time (3.3pm NZT) on Monday.


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