| Some Cry Scapegoat, Others Satisfied As Archbishop Demotes Deputy in Wake of Priest Scandal
The Star-Ledger
May 27, 2013
Archbishop John J. Myers of Newark
The Rev. John Doran has been removed from his position as vicar general of the Archdiocese of Newark
The Rev. Michael Fugee walks into court last week after his arrest on charges of violating a judicial order
NEWARK — Parishioners across the Archdiocese of Newark said this weekend that Archbishop John J. Myers appropriately handled a dogging scandal that has threatened his legacy, while others said the demotion of his top deputy was merely a scapegoating tactic that came amid calls for his own resignation.
Congregants listened in mostly hushed churches across the region as priests read a letter from the archbishop announcing the removal of Monsignor John E. Doran, who stepped down from his leadership position for mishandling the supervision of a priest who violated a lifetime ban on ministry to children.
Myers, whose letter was first run in a longer form as an opinion piece in Saturday’s Star-Ledger, said he was implementing a series of reforms to "strengthen internal protocols" and "ensure we are doing everything we can to safeguard the children of our community."
As in other parishes, the letter was read without commentary at Holy Family Church in Nutley, where the priest in question — the Rev. Michael Fugee — was a familiar face and had frequent interactions with teenagers. Few people were willing to discuss the matter after one Mass there Sunday, rushing through the windy morning to their cars.
Parishioners at Holy Family and elsewhere gave a range of reactions — from satisfaction to ambivalence to disappointment. While many Catholics said they supported Myers’ handling of the situation, others did not mince words and called for Myers to resign.
"I think they should have someone a little stronger and more demanding," Fred Campana, a parishioner at Holy Family, said as he left Mass Sunday.
While he said he had sympathy for Fugee and hoped the priest avoids jail time, Campana called for Myers to step down to a lower position and any other leaders involved to do the same. "A new broom sweeps clean," he said.
Doran, who served as vicar general and moderator of the curia, is among the highest-ranking Roman Catholic officials in the country to be demoted over the handling of a priest accused of sexual abuse, observers have said.
In 2007, Doran signed an agreement with the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office pledging to supervise Fugee, who had confessed to police that he groped a teenage boy years earlier but had his 2003 conviction tossed out because of judicial error. To avoid retrial, Fugee entered a state rehabilitation program, underwent counseling for sex offenders and, through the agreement with prosecutors, said he would stay away from kids.
The agreement forbid Fugee from ministering to children and required the church ensure that happened. But Fugee blatantly disregarded those terms, attending youth retreats and hearing confessions from minors in parishes in and out of the archdiocese, The Star-Ledger reported late last month. The newspaper found the archdiocese did little or nothing to monitor him.
Last week, Fugee, 52, was criminally charged with contempt of a judicial order for violating the agreement. He has since been freed on bail and, while he was granted leave from ministry May 2, he remains a priest.
On Saturday, at Newark’s vast Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, the Rev. Francis R. Seymour concluded the 6 p.m. Mass by reading Myers’ letter to the three dozen worshippers who dotted the sea of honey-stained oak pews.
There was no visible reaction from the ethnically diverse group of young and old worshippers. As many filed out of the church and scattered into the unseasonably cold, windy night immediately after Mass ended, a few said they welcomed word that the archdiocese was taking steps to address the issue.
"They have to do what they have to do," said Angela Bernal of Belleville. Referring to Doran’s apparent lack of oversight, she added, "He had to pay for it."
At Our Lady of Lourdes Church in West Orange on Saturday, some said they were pleased by the transparency.
"I think it’s refreshing that the archbishop is coming out and just letting families and the parishioners know what actions that the church will take," said Dion Brown, a 43-year-old father of two from West Orange, who was shocked to hear about the investigation.
And Margaret Christiano, who has been a member at the church since 1957, said she admires Myers for making a statement.
"So everybody can understand that it’s not all our fault, and it was just neglect on certain people who were in charge," Christiano said. "I feel bad that Fugee did that — he should have known better and whoever was supervising him neglected their duties."
After the early afternoon Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Montclair Sunday, there were also mixed reactions. Some spoke highly of the archbishop and believed he was making the right changes, even if they came years late.
"I believe the archbishop, that they are taking the steps that need to be taken," said Rosa Cabrera, a Montclair resident and member of the parish for four decades. "But they should have made sure that they follow … what they agreed upon. And they didn’t. They just kind of brushed it off."
Pat Hanfin, who teaches religion classes as the parish, was a bit more blunt.
"I think he put it on the scapegoat, that’s all I’m saying. And that’s all I can say, because I don’t know the whole thing," she said as she left the church. "It’s amazing, he should have taken him — Fugee, or whatever his name was — out of circulation a long time ago."