Pell Defends Melbourne Commissioner

Herald Sun
May 27, 2013

CARDINAL George Pell has defended the independence of the commissioner in charge of handling Melbourne abuse complaints against the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Pell, the archbishop of Sydney and former archbishop of Melbourne, has defended Melbourne Response commissioner Peter O'Callaghan QC saying he has received shabby treatment.

Cardinal Pell said Mr O'Callaghan was given complete independence and any suggestion that either he or his successor as Melbourne archbishop Denis Hart interfered with his independence was totally incorrect.

"A suggestion that somehow he was not independent is I think totally misleading and unfair to one of the most senior members of the bar who is constrained by the principles of the bar to be independent," he told a Victorian parliamentary inquiry.

"The suggestion that somehow he wasn't independent I totally reject."

Mr O'Callaghan and fellow Melbourne Response independent commissioner Jeff Gleeson SC have denied they have helped the church cover up crimes or that they are trying to protect the church.

Both men were appalled at the suggestion they had been involved in a cover-up, Mr Gleeson has previously told the inquiry.


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