One Allegation of Abuse Within Catholic Church in 2012

The Journal
May 21, 2013

[annual report]

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH’S watchdog has confirmed that it received an allegation of abuse last year. The complaint outlined an incident that allegedly took place in 2012.

The notification underlines the need for constant vigilance, good safeguarding practice and prompt action, said CEO of the NBSCCCI Ian Elliot on the publication of the organisation’s annual report.

The Board was notified of two allegations of abuse having taken place since 2000 but the vast majority of the 242 accusations received related to years between 1960 and 1990. Some dated as far back as 1940.

Information about all 242 allegations, concerns and suspicions have been passed to the gardaí/PSNI and, where appropriate, the HSC/HSE. The number of convictions for serious offences remains low, with just 26 prosecutions out of a total of 723 allegations (involving 320 priests).

The Board expects to complete its review of all of Ireland’s dioceses by the end of this year and hopes to make “substantial progress” by the end of 2014 on the remaining congregations and missionary unions.

The NBSCCCI’s audits into five congregations revealed a higher incidence of abuse amongst those orders than in dioceses. During 2012, current practices in 10 dioceses and five religious congregations were examined.

Elliot retires from the head of the organisation next month. His report recommends a comprehensive review of the board’s operations be undertaken by the sponsoring bodies.


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