| Anger As Gay Porn Incident Cleric Is Made Parish Priest
By Elaine Keogh
Irish Independent
May 19, 2013
Father Martin McVeigh who projected indecent images onto a screen during a meeting for parents in Pomeroy in preparation for First Holy Communion. One child was also present. Parents said 16 indecent images of men were displayed. The priest said he had no knowledge of the offending imagery.
A CLERIC who accidentally showed gay porn to parents of schoolchildren in the North has been appointed parish priest of Clogherhead.
The appointment, which was made without any warning to parishioners, has brought complaints from angry parents in the Co Louth village.
It is nearly a year since Fr Martin McVeigh decided to take a sabbatical after the images flashed up on a screen as he made a presentation to the parents of children preparing for confession in advance of their First Holy Communion.
"He wants us to give him a chance, and he seems to be sincere about it, but we are still very angry at the way this has happened," said one parishioner.
At a meeting in the village last week, Fr McVeigh maintained his innocence, insisting that he had no idea where the gay porn images had come from.
Parishioners were told earlier this month by Cardinal Sean Brady that Fr McVeigh was going to be their new parish priest.
It is believed he had expressed a wish to return to Pomeroy, Co Tyrone, where the incident happened.
The cardinal's spokesman, Martin Long, said he understood Fr McVeigh was now the parish priest of Clogherhead, but declined to speculate if he would continue in the role if the parishioners were unhappy.
Parishioners' anger at the way they feel they have been forced to accept the appointment of Fr McVeigh is palpable in the small seaside community.
One schoolteacher confirmed that a number of parents had expressed their concerns.
However, it is understood that Fr Paul Clayton-Lea, who had been the parish priest in Clogherhead and who is extremely popular, will officiate at the forthcoming First Holy Communion and Confirmation days.