| SHARING the Guilt
By Kevin O'Brien
Waiting for Godot to Leave
May 16, 2013
Let's take a break from arguing about Lying for a minute and let something sink in.
Bishop Finn has agreed to pay $600,000 of diocesan funds to the parents of a girl abused by a priest under his care in the diocese of Kansas City. (I've written about this case at length).
What struck me from this article about the settlement is this quote ...
The second count, which Fenner allowed to remain, accused the bishop and diocese of receiving, possessing or distributing pornographic images of the girl.
Fenner is the judge in the case, who dismissed one count in the lawsuit and let another stand - the count that the diocese was liable not only for a coverup but was COMPLICIT IN THE CRIME ITSELF.
Let that sink in.
The diocese of Kansas City was not only wrong in covering up what the abuser did, but was INVOLVED IN THE CRIME ITSELF - by "receiving and possessing" pornographic images of the two-year-old in question, by not turning the photos over to police, and eventually letting the evidence be destroyed so that the priest had a better chance of getting off.
This is mind boggling.