| Tayler Denies Claims He Didn't Want Abuse Cover-Ups Investigated
By Stephen Ryan
Newcastle Herald
May 15, 2013
FORMER Newcastle crime manager Detective Chief Inspector Brad Tayler has denied claims that he did not want allegations of sexual abuse cover-ups within the Catholic Church investigated, saying that he thought it was best handled by the State Crime Command, an inquiry has heard.
Mr Tayler, who has left the police force, also refuted a number of assertions put to him by counsel for Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox, Mark Cohen.
Those assertions included that Mr Tayler wanted to be ‘‘rid’’ of the investigation and that Mr Tayler intimated to Mr Fox at a meeting in 2010 that Mr Fox would have no involvement in the investigation and was to hand over all evidence in his possession.
Mr Tayler denied those claims.
The Special Commission of Inquiry into sexual abuse within the Catholic Church continues at Newcastle Courthouse.
Mr Tayler will continue giving evidence this afternoon.