| York Chose Officers to Investigate Abuse
By Stephen Ryan
The Star
May 14, 2013
Assistant Commissioner Carlene York, centre, leaves the inquiry on Tuesday.
FORMER Northern Region police commander Assistant Commissioner Carlene York said she chose the Newcastle City detectives office to investigate sexual abuse cover-up claims within the Catholic Church because of resources, a special inquiry has heard.
Assistant Commissioner York said every command in her region was under-resourced when the matter came across her desk in 2010 and she initially thought that Lake Macquarie detectives would be better placed to investigate the claims.
However, the Lake Macquarie crime manager did not want the investigation because he didn’t have the resources to properly investigate it and the Newcastle crime manager had similar reservations, Ms York said.
When asked why she didn’t consider the Port Stephens detectives office, headed by Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox, to conduct the investigation, Ms York said Port Stephens was one of the smallest commands in the region and could not afford to dedicate its limited resources to such a complex inquiry.
She also said Newcastle was the better option because the allegations related to Newcastle.
The inquiry, before Commissioner Margaret Cunneen, is examining how police investigated sexual abuse and claims of cover-ups within the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese.