| York Denies Ordering Search of Whistleblower's Office
ABC News
May 14, 2013
Former Northern Region Commander Assistant Commissioner Carlene York.
The former head of the police force in the New South Wales Hunter Valley has told a child sexual abuse inquiry she did not ask to have whistleblower Peter Fox's office searched while he was on leave.
Assistant Commissioner Carlene York was the commander of the New South Wales Northern Region until Easter 2013.
She is giving evidence today at the Special Commission of Inquiry into Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox's claims that police and the Hunter Valley's Catholic Church covered up allegations of child sexual abuse by two priests.
Carlene York's told the court she forwarded the abuse allegations to Newcastle's Local Area Command for review saying she thought that state's sex crimes squad should be involved early on.
She said she was surprised to hear Peter Fox did not hand over all files when directed to, but says any search of his office while he was on leave for a month in 2010 was not at her request.
She added it is not unusual and quite appropriate to look for documents that are needed to answer a Ministerial request.
Carlene York has also told the inquiry she was "aware of staff shortages" in the region.
The court's heard several local area commands didn't have the police officers to assign to another Strike Force and many detectives were already overworked and stressed.
Assistant Commissioner York has told the court the Northern Region is lucky to have experienced detectives across the Commands but she was aware of staff shortages.
She says she approved the establishment of Strike Force Lantle because it was an important investigation and should have had resources allocated to it.
The inquiry continues.