| Nun Claims Punishment "Forbidden"
Evening Times
May 10, 2013
A NUN accused of assaulting girls at an approved school told a court that corporal punishment was "forbidden".
Anne Kenny, 79, known as Sister Rosaria, began giving evidence yesterday at Paisley Sheriff Court.
She told her defence QC Ronnie Clancy she joined the Good Shepherd Order in 1956 and worked in an approved school in Wales from 1959 until 1964 when she moved to Dalbeath approved school in Bishopton.
Kenny, of Manchester, and Agnes Reville, 77, of Newcastle, are on trial accused of assaulting girls at the nun-run school.
Kenny faces three charges of assault while Reville is accused of four charges of assault.
They initially faced another charge each but these were dropped by the Crown.
Kenny and Reville deny the charges and the trial before Sheriff Susan Sinclair continues.