| Police Investigating "Inappropriate Contact" at Catholic School
By Phil Yacuboski
May 9, 2013
Police in Anne Arundel County said they are investigating 'inappropriate contact' at Monsignor Slade Catholic School in Glen Burnie.
Police in Anne Arundel County said they are investigating 'inappropriate contact' inside a Glen Burnie Catholic school. Investigators said their investigations centers around allegations in the mid-2000s between a staff member and student at Monsignor Slade High School.
"This is an ongoing criminal investigation into potential inappropriate contact between staff members and a former student. That investigation is ongoing," Anne Arundel County police spokesman Justin Mulcahy said in an interview with WBAL-TV's Lowell Melser.
The investigation began Tuesday afternoon. Police are not saying much.
Parents said they received the following message from school officials Tuesday evening:
Good evening parents/guardians,
I write concerning an incident that occurred at school today. Police officers were on campus this afternoon to speak with some members of our staff and conduct a criminal investigation. Though we have very little information, we wanted to make you aware of the presence of police at the school. The staff involved will not be on campus until we learn more information from the police. We have no reason to believe there is any kind of threat to our school or that there will be any disruption to our schedule. I look forward to greeting the students tomorrow morning. We will communicate further as soon as we get more information.
Thank you,
Alexa Cox, Assistant Principal
Dr. Barbara McGraw-Edmondson, Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, sent the following statement to families of Msgr. Slade School in Glen Burnie:
As indicated in the email sent to all school families and staff yesterday evening, Anne Arundel County Police officers were on the campus of Msgr. Slade School yesterday afternoon. The police conducted a search in connection with an allegation from a former student who alleges being the victim of sexual abuse at the school in the mid-2000s. The police indicate that their investigation is ongoing and no charges related to the sexual abuse allegation have been filed at this time. We appreciate that you may desire more information about this matter. Because the Archdiocese of Baltimore's policy is to cooperate and not interfere with such investigations, Msgr. Slade School and the Archdiocese are in close communication with the authorities and will await further information from them before communicating further about this matter.
Anyone with information relating to this matter is encouraged to call Anne Arundel Police at 410-222-8610. The individuals who are the subject of the investigation have been suspended until a determination is made concerning the veracity of the allegations.