| Wheatland Pastor Accused of Sex Abuse; Community Shocked
The Appeal-Democrat
May 8, 2013
Brian Gray
Two days before his arrest, several parishioners confronted Baptist Pastor Brian Clay Gray about his relationship with a 16-year-old girl, the Yuba County Sheriff's Department said on Wednesday.
Sheriff Steve Durfor described the allegations against Gray as "devastating to the community."
"It's certainly a shame," Durfor said. "Any time a person is in a position of authority, influence and leadership and trust, it makes this all the more shocking to a community."
Gray, 51, was booked just after midnight Wednesday into the Yuba County Jail on $100,000 bail on suspicion of felony sexual child abuse counts of unlawful sex, lewd and lascivious acts, and oral copulation with a minor.
The pastor admitted a year-long sexual relationship with a teenager from Nicolaus, Undersheriff Jerry Read said.
Deputies said Gray and the teen first had sex during the spring of 2012 at Gray's Anchor Baptist Church at 411 Front St. in Wheatland.
Durfor said the pair carried out their relationship over the next year during church activities such as a Bible camp in Alta and private meetings that included a motel in Sacramento and an open field in Nicolaus.
Church members confronted Gray at the church "some time over the last 48 hours," Durfor said.
The sheriff said he did not have any specific details of the confrontation between the pastor and parishioners.
"He acknowledged inappropriate or questionable contact with the victim, but no specifics were provided," Durfor said.
He said investigators "have no information" that other victims were involved with Gray.
"But that (question) is certainly part of the larger scope of the ongoing investigation," Durfor said.
Church records indicate Gray established his chapel with the help of his wife and children in 2004. City property records say Gray opened the church at its storefront location in 2008.
Efforts to reach church officials and Gray's family were unsuccessful.
Read said the Sheriff's Department received a report on Tuesday afternoon from Gray's brother-in-law, an officer with the Wichita Police Department in Kansas.
"As a police officer, he's a mandated reporter, and we're grateful he reported it to us as quickly as possible," Durfor said.
The whirlwind investigation resulted in Gray's arrest.
Deputies filed a formal request for criminal charges late Wednesday with the Yuba County District Attorney's Office. The case is under review, prosecutors said.
Gray was still in custody at the Yuba County Jail.
CONTACT Rob Parsons at rparsons@appealdemocrat.com or 749-4785. Find him on Facebook at /ADcrimebeat or on Twitter at @ADcrimebeat.