| Minnesota Senate Passes Bill Removing Civil Statute of Limitation on Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits
By Megan Boldt
Pioneer Press
May 8, 2013
A bill that would make it easier for Minnesotans who were sexually abused as children to bring civil lawsuits against their abuser or the institution that enabled that abuse could soon become law.
It passed the Minnesota Senate unanimously on Wednesday, May 8. The House approved a similar measure earlier this month.
The bill eliminates the civil statute of limitations in most cases for victims of child sexual abuse. Under current state law, a child sex-abuse victim has up to age 24 to file a lawsuit after he or she turns 18, if not before.
The proposed legislation would retain the six-year limit to file a civil action for victims who were sexually abused at the age of 18 or older. But it would wipe out any limits for someone who was similarly abused before he or she turned 18.
If signed into the law, Minnesota would become the fifth state in recent years to wipe out limitations on the civil end.
Contact: mboldt@pioneerpress.com