| Administrator Named to Harrisburg Diocese: Father Robert Gillelan
By Ivey Dejesus
The Patriot-News
May 7, 2013
The Rev. Robert Gillelan has been selected administrator for the Diocese of Harrisburg
The Rev. Robert M. Gillelan, Jr., pastor of Prince of Peace parish in Steelton on Monday was selected diocesan administrator by the College of Consultors of the Diocese of Harrisburg.
Gillelan had previously assisted in the running of the diocese, serving as Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia for the late Bishop Joseph P. McFadden.
McFadden died Thursday of a heart attack at the age of 65.
“My previous position as Vicar General has helped to prepare me for this new role,” Gillelan said in a written statement released to the news media. “I appreciate the confidence the College of Consultors have in me by electing me to this position.”
Gillelan, a native of Biglerville, will be responsible for ensuring established policies and procedures of the diocese are carried out. Diocesan administrators typically do not implement change, but maintain status quo until a new bishop is appointed.
The process of selecting a new bishop, now underway, could take up to 12 months.
“I will do this with the help of the Holy Spirit, the good people of our Diocese, and the very capable personnel in the Diocesan offices,” Gillelan said.
A priest for almost 24 years, Gillelan has been a member of several advisory bodies including the Presbyteral Council, the Priest Personnel Board and the College of Consultors. He has also served as a member of the Diocesan Hispanic Apostolate and the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference.
He served as pastor of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in York from 1999-2012.
"I will do this with the help of the Holy Spirit, the good people of our Diocese..." - The Rev. Robert Gillelan, Harrisburg Diocese
Gillelan, 55, was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Harrisburg on May 27, 1989, by Bishop William Keeler at St. Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg.
UPDATE: The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests issued a swift response to Gillilan’s selection.
“We hope he'll promptly post on the diocesan website the names and whereabouts of all the child molesting clerics who have worked or lived in the Harrisburg area,” SNAP’s statement read.
“We also hope Gillelan will seek out others who have been hurt by Fr. Patrick Shannon, an Oblate priest. Typically, religious order clerics like Shannon get far less attention than diocesan priests and it's much easier for them to move across the country and molest again.
In 2005, then-Bishop Kevin Rhoades removed Shannon as priest of Sacred Heart in Lewisburg and of St. George's Mission in Mifflinburg after letters were received by the Harrisburg Diocese and the Oblates about an alleged sexual incident involving the priest and a juvenile 32 years prior.
Contact: idejesus@pennlive.com