| Archbishop Reverses Himself Twice, SNAP Responds
By Arbara Dorris
May 3, 2013
Suddenly, Archbishop Myers’ PR man does an abrupt 180, twice. He now claims Fr. Fugee was around kids without Myers’ permission. And he now admits an agreement with prosecutors has been broken.
It’s both odd and disconcerting that these radically different claims surface a week into this controversy. That alone makes us highly skeptical. Frankly, we don't believe Fr. Fugee somehow "went rogue" and began acting like a "free agent," ignoring his archbishop and going on trips with kids and hearing their confessions without permission.
Today's Star Ledger reports that "Since the disclosure, (Myers' PR man) Goodness has argued that Fugee did not violate the agreement (with prosecutors)." But last night, he said Fr. Fugee engaged in activities" that "are in conflict with (that agreement)."
More troubling is that Myers' PR man now claims Fr. Fugee "did not seek permission from the archdiocese before participating in youth activities." Again, we just don't believe this. If this were the case, why didn't Myers claim this right away. Why isn't he firing church employees who helped Fr. Fugee gain access to more kids?
This latest twist seems like an obvious and convenient way for Myers to shift blame, evade responsibility, and try to restore his shattered reputation.