| Federal Prosecutor in Perlitz Case Quits
Greenwich Time
May 1, 2013
Connecticut United States Attorney David B. Fein, 52, of Greenwich, announced he is resigning as of May 13, 2013.
In this Nov. 27, 2012 photo, U.S. Attorney David Fein speaks at a news conference in New Haven, Conn., to announce a new effort to reduce gun violence in the state's major cities. Fein said Tuesday, April 30, 2013, he is resigning, effective May 13, after three years as Connecticut’s top federal prosecutor and returning to the private sector.
Staff and wire reports
The state's top federal prosecutor, who brought Fairfield charity operator Douglas Perlitz to justice for sexually abusing several young boys over the course of a decade in Haiti, is stepping down to return to the private sector.
U.S. Attorney David B. Fein, 52, of Old Greenwich, said Tuesday he is resigning effective May 13.
"It has been an honor to serve as United States attorney and to work alongside the fine women and men of this office and of our partner federal, state and local law enforcement agencies as we serve the people of Connecticut and the country," Fein said.
"Personally, it is the right time for me and my family that I move on, but I do so humbly and profoundly grateful for the trust placed in me by the president and the attorney general."
Fein was appointed by President Barack Obama and sworn in as the 50th U.S. attorney for the District of Connecticut on May 10, 2010.
As U.S. attorney, he created the Connecticut Securities, Commodities and Investor Fraud Task Force, a multiagency task force focused on matters related to investor fraud, Ponzi schemes, insider trading and other financial crimes. He also initiated Project Longevity, a new anti-violence initiative aimed at reducing statewide gun and gang violence.
In addition to Perlitz, who is serving a 19-year prison term, Fein prosecuted Hector Natal, who recently was found guilty of committing the March 2011 arson in New Haven that killed three individuals, including an 8-year-old boy.
Fein also prosecuted Edgardo Sensi and Jesse Osmun for sexual misconduct with minors.
Sensi was sentenced to 85 years in prison for sexual abusing minor girls in the United States, and Nicaragua; Osmun was sentenced to 15 years in prison for sexually abusing young girls while he was a volunteer with the U.S. Peace Corps in South Africa.
The FBI's top official in the state, Kim Mertz, said Fein was quick to establish his mark.
"I think from his first day he established and held a standard of excellence across the board," she said. "He will be misse,d and he has had a very significant impact on the law enforcement community in Connecticut."
Mertz is special agent in charge of the bureau's New Haven Division, which is responsible for Connecticut.
"There were many landmark cases that were prosecuted under David's leadership, and based on his leadership, the progress will continue," she said.
The U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Connecticut is charged with enforcing federal criminal laws in Connecticut nd with representing the federal government in civil litigation in the district.
The office employs about 64 assistant U.S. attorneys, 45 staff members and 13 contractors at offices in Bridgeport, New Haven and Hartford.