| Honoring Rick Springer
The Awareness Center
April 24, 2013
Honoring Rick Springer
Back in 1992, at the age of 55, Rick Springer joined forces with LinkUp, (which was originally called VOCAL - an acronym for Victims of Clergy Abuse Linkup) started speaking out as a Catholic survivors of clergy sexual abuse.
According to the Chicago Tribune article "Silence is Broken", Rick Springer was quoted as stating: "I knew that what he (his offender) was doing was wrong". . . "But I couldn't tell my family, which was alcoholic dysfunctional. I told leaders of my church, who said the archbishop of Chicago would be informed. At the time Springer was studying to become a priest. "But nothing happened. I was told to leave the seminary because I was not a good candidate for priesthood. That's the way it stayed for 31 years."
Since 1992, Rick has become a strong activist for hundreds of other adults survivors of sex crimes, and has been co-leading a self-help group with the Chicago based group called LinkUp ever since.