| Don't Worry, Jews May Be Bad but Goyyim Are Worse, Ohr Somayach Rabbi Says
Failed Messiah
April 21, 2013
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
[with audio]
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz also says you should ask a rabbi before reporting suspected child sexual abuse to police or your city's child protection services and invokes the No True Scotsman Fallacy – any Orthodox Jew who commits heinous crimes like child sexual abuse is not really an Orthodox Jew, Breitowitz claims, insisting that God and Judaism are not at fault for what its most visible adherent s may do wrong.
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz says no matter how bad the behavior of haredi Jews may seem, we're better than the non-Jews, and the haredi community is the place to go to live a fulfilled, moral life.
He also says that you should ask a rabbi before reporting suspected child sexual abuse to police or your city's child protection services and invokes the No True Scotsman Fallacy – any Orthodox Jew who commits heinous crimes like child sexual abuse is not really an Orthodox Jew, Breitowitz claims, insisting that God and Judaism are not at fault for what its most visible adherents may do wrong.
On top of that, he says students at Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem don't really have many questions related to this because Jerusalem's Jews are holier than the Jews elsewhere, and he implies the problems of child sexual abuse, theft and corruption don't really exist there – which is false.
On the bright side, he does say that there is no mesirah with regard to reporting suspected child sexual abuse.
From last night's Talkline radio show with Zev Brenner. The gaps and duplications in the recording are as they appeared when the show was broadcast. Nothing has been editied out by FailedMessiah.com