| Former Area Catholic Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse
April 18, 2013
Father Robert Marsicek helped build Orangevale's Divine Savior Catholic Church in 1987 and served as pastor until 2001.
A former pastor of the Divine Savior Catholic Church now faces accusations of sexual abuse and has been temporarily removed from public ministry in the Milwaukee area.
Father Robert Marsicek, 71, who helped build the Orangevale church and served as pastor there from 1987 until 2001, is now under investigation by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department for possible child abuse, according to Kevin Eckery, a spokesperson for the Sacramento Catholic Diocese.
Marsicek has been temporarily relieved of his duties at two parishes in the Milwaukee area, as the church investigates a possible incident of child molestation before Easter of this year.
Eckery said the Sacramento Catholic Diocese learned that there could be two victims -- two boys from one family -- who experienced child abuse in the late 80s and 90s, months before the Milwaukee allegations surfaced.
“We had heard about the Sacramento accusations earlier, but we were in the process of working it out with the family,” Eckery told KCRA 3. “The victims themselves weren’t willing to step forward. That has since been addressed.”
Parishioners of Divine Savior heard about the allegations during mass Saturday and Sunday.
“He had been like an extended member of the family, so it hurts really deep. It’s hard to believe because of the man he is,” said LouAnne Knepshield. “I don’t know. I don’t know the personal stuff that goes on.”
“When a priest -- not Father Bob -- but any priest is put in a position of responsibility and authority, I think it’s a little more egregious,” said Jim Beilgard, adding that people should reserve judgment until the investigation is over.
Divine Savior is encouraging any victims or anyone who knows of abuse to contact the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department.
The Milwaukee district attorney has decided not to file any criminal charges against Marsicek, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.