| US Catholic Nuns Criticised in Vatican Report on Lcwr
BBC News
April 15, 2013
The LCWR represents 80% of US Catholic nuns
The Pope has approved a report criticising the leadership of the largest group of American nuns.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) is accused by the Vatican of "radical feminism" and of failing to obey church teaching on such matters as the possible ordination of women as priests.
They have accused the Vatican of a "flawed" process of investigation.
The report was ordered by Pope Francis' predecessor, Benedict XVI.
It has been published after a four-year inquiry.
The Vatican has now ordered the LCWR, which represents 80% of US Catholic nuns, to revise its statutes and review its plans and programmes.
As well as the issue of women priests, the LCWR's positions on homosexuality and birth control have led to Vatican criticism.
The BBC's David Willey in Rome says that the findings were discussed at a meeting between US nuns' representatives and the head of the Vatican watchdog body, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, German archbishop Ludwig Mueller.
The American nuns' representatives were warmly thanked for their work in hospitals and schools and for the poor, our correspondent reports.
However, he adds, they were reminded that they were legally bound to follow Vatican directives.