| Churches Don't Want to Know, Abuse Inquiry Told
By Barney Zwartz
Brisbane Times
April 4, 2013
Mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse should be introduced for clergy: NSW Deputy Ombudsman Steve Kinmond. Photo: Robert Peet
Catholic Church leaders in Australia were contributing to the ostracism and scapegoating of child sex abuse victims, showing little leadership and little ''will to know'', the inquiry into how churches handled sex abuse has heard.
Edith Cowan University social justice professor Caroline Taylor said church leaders, as well as judges and lawyers, too readily followed misleading stereotypes that minimised child abuse.
''The greatest insurance policy offenders have is the ignorance of the community,'' Professor Taylor said on Thursday. ''I don't believe the Catholic hierarchy has changed its attitude … I haven't seen that probity and will to know, which means setting aside preconceived ideas and being open to learn. It takes courage.''
Child protection expert: Professor Freda Briggs. Photo: Supplied
When she had suggested ways to help educate the community, she had been ''severely rebuffed''.
She said many priests and churchgoers were dismissive of abuse, using language such as ''there was just a bit of touching''. She heard churchgoers say ''when are these people going to stop coming forward? Why don't they show some dignity and keep silent?''
Professor Taylor said children taught to respect the authority of the church often saw offenders as a representation of God and many victims felt their abuse showed they were unloved by God. She said grooming by paedophiles was rife and predators targeted the children of very devout families.
Noted child abuse authority Professor Freda Briggs also lamented ignorance in the community, saying professionals, especially academics, were reluctant to accept the seriousness of child abuse.
Ansvar Insurance chief executive Andrew Moon told the inquiry his company represented about half Australia's non-Catholic faith bodies. Over 20 years, the company had settled five claims for child sexual abuse, one ''extraordinary case'' for between $1 million and $2 million, and the others for less than $100,000.
NSW Deputy Ombudsman Steve Kinmond said paedophiles were finding it ''too hot'' in child welfare sectors and were appearing in disability areas.
He said mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse to police, while an important obligation that should be introduced for clergy, seldom led to criminal charges, still less any convictions.