| Breslov Leader on the Lam As Sex Abuse Allegations Swirl
By Shmarya Rosenberg
Failed Messiah
April 4, 2013
Rabbi Eliezer Berland
Breslov leader Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the head of Yeshiva Shuvu Banim in Jerusalem’s Old City, has gone underground and disappeared, the haredi news website Behadrei Haredim reports.
Berland allegedly sexually abused many young Breslov women, some married, some not, some of age and some apparently minors. He fled Israel for Miami weeks ago after it became clear that he and what are often described as his henchmen and thugs could no longer contain the scandal within the Shuva Banim community after violence related to the alleged coverup became a police matter.
Police opened an investigation into Berland’s alleged sexual abuse, but Berland had already fled to Miami.
When Berland realized that he was wanted for questioning in Israel and could possibly be extradited, he left Miami and went to Switzerland, where he met with his Israel attorney, Dr. Jacob Weinroth.
From there, Berland apparently went to Morocco where he was seen during the first seder. But then Berland’s trail ran cold, and it is not known where Berland is now hiding.
"Few people know where he is. Even now, police do not know where he is staying,” Shuvu Banim community members claim.
Berland was supposedly due to return to Israel today, but his return was postponed, first to Sunday, and now reportedly for another month.
Berland could be arrested as soon as he lands in Israel – if he ever returns to Israel.
[Hat Tip: Burich.]