| Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse First Hearing on April 3
The Australian
March 22, 2013
Six commissioners will examine past and current child sexual abuse in organisations. From left: Justice Peter McClellan, Bob Atkinson, Justice Jennifer Coate, Professor Helen Milroy, Andrew Murray and Robert Fitzgerald. Source: News Limited
THE Royal Commission into child sexual abuse will hold its first hearing in Melbourne next month.
The first sitting will be at the County Court of Victoria in Melbourne at 10am (AEDT) on April 3.
All commissioners will be present and the chairman, Justice Peter McClellan, will provide information on the work of the royal commission, including the future conduct of public and private hearings.
Senior counsel assisting will also deliver an opening statement but no evidence will be taken.
Federal parliament this week approved laws enabling the inquiry to receive information and evidence in private sessions.
Justice Peter McClellan will head the six-strong royal commission.