| Some Prefer Bishop Stay Away from Confirmations
By Tom Kisken
Ventura County Star
March 22, 2013
Bishop Thomas Curry supervised priests in the archdiocese in the late 1980s. The personnel records reveal how priests accused of molestation were reassigned to ministry after undergoing treatment. Star File
A backlash over Bishop Thomas Curry’s handling of priests accused of molestation has led at least one area parish to change plans to have the bishop preside over the May confirmation of high school students.
The Rev. Jim Stehly, of St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Community in Westlake Village, said he requested Curry not serve at the May 4 event after complaints from parishioners. Curry stepped down from his role as auxiliary leader of a region encompassing Ventura and Santa Barbara counties this year after priest personnel files revealed evidence he and retired Cardinal Roger Mahony acted to shield the church and accused priests.
Some Ventura County priests said they’ve been told Curry decided not to preside at any confirmation services this year. The bishop did not respond to email messages. Officials of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles did not address a request to confirm the reports, only emphasizing that the bishop and the cardinal have the ability to perform such a Mass.
“Cardinal Roger Mahony and Bishop Thomas Curry are bishops of the archdiocese with faculties to celebrate the Holy Sacraments of the Church and to minister to the faithful without restriction,” archdiocese officials said in a statement.
Stehly, who will replace Curry at St. Jude’s confirmation, said his request was prompted in part because the parish had been affected by clergy abuse. The Rev. Michael Wempe, who served at parishes throughout the area, including St. Jude, admitted to abusing 13 boys in the 1970s and ’80s, according to personnel records.
“It continues to be at a very painful reality, not just a memory,” Stehly said, noting that some of the people affected by abuse are still in the parish. He said Curry’s involvement would have served as a distraction, adding that his request also was prompted by concern for the bishop.
Curry supervised priests in the archdiocese in the late 1980s. The personnel records reveal how priests accused of molestation were reassigned to ministry after undergoing treatment. The records also revealed strategies that protected the church and the accused. Both Curry and Mahony offered public apologies.
On the last day of January, Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez announced he would accept Curry’s request to be relieved of his duties as regional bishop. He also said Mahony would lose his administrative and public duties. Subsequent statements clarified that both men retained their status as bishops in standing with full rights to minister.
Mahony participated in the conclave to elect a new pope despite public pressure for him to recuse himself.
Some parishioners said the realization that Curry was scheduled to participate in a holy ceremony that completes an initiation of faith surprised and angered them.
“We feel that Curry doesn’t know how to stand up and do the right thing,” said Shanna Caputo, of Oak Park. Her daughter is scheduled to be confirmed at St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church. “We don’t want this man to represent us and represent our community.”
Caputo said about 30 people attended a parish meeting about the confirmation controversy. She said parents were told a letter would be sent to the archdiocese expressing their desire that Curry not preside at the confirmation.
The Rev. Jarlath Dolan, St. Maximilian’s pastor, declined to comment. In their statement, archdiocese officials said they’re coordinating services with parishes as they have in the past. They didn’t respond to requests on whether Curry or Mahony still are scheduled for any confirmations.
The Rev. Tom Elewaut, of San Buenaventura Mission in Ventura, is leader of a region of parishes in Ventura, Oxnard, Ojai and Santa Paula. He said Curry won’t be presiding at any confirmation services, noting that parish pastors have been asked to serve in his stead.
“He doesn’t want to take away from the ceremonies,” he said, noting the bishop typically would preside over confirmations throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. “ ... It’s my understanding that he has requested not to be assigned confirmation Masses this year.”
The Rev. Preston Passos, administrator at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Community in Camarillo, said he received a letter from the archdiocese saying the right to preside at the confirmation Mass was being delegated to the parish pastor.
The Rev. Pasquale Vuoso, of St. Sebastian Parish in Santa Paula, said he wasn’t aware any definitive decisions had been made. He said if Curry doesn’t participate in services, it would be easiest on everyone.
But he does not think the issue is a controversy in all parishes.
“If he came here and did confirmation, I don’t think anyone would bat an eye,” Vuoso said.
Cathryn Croall, a parishioner at St. Jude, read the church personnel files. She doesn’t want Curry or Mahony to lead the service where her daughter will be confirmed. In one of her complaint calls, she was told Curry remains a bishop in good standing.
“I said he’s not in good standing with me and many other parishioners at my church,” she said. “I see this as a slap in the face to the victims. I stand with the victims, not with the hierarchy of the church.”
Caputo said she feels compelled to voice her concerns.
“What I’m ashamed of with my church is that they cover everything up,” she said. “And if I don’t say something, I’m part of covering it up.”