| Major Media Finally Admits: Sex Abuse Story Is Now So Dated That Professional Victims’ Groups Are Shrinking and Disappearing
Media Report
March 15, 2013
"Out of steam": SNAP's David Lorenz, BishopAccountability's Terence McKiernan, and therapist/Church basher Ann Hagan Webb
It seems that the mission of bludgeoning the Catholic Church for abuse episodes from a half century ago is not as thriving as it used to be.
Few major media outlets have overplayed and exaggerated the abuse narrative more than the Washington Post. So it was big news when even the Post was recently forced to take notice that the abuse story is now so old that professional Church-bashing groups such as SNAP and Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) are dying and fading away, as they are comprised of an ever dwindling number of cranky codgers.
According to the recent Post article:
Attendance at recent VOTF events has "plummeted, as have donations";
Bill Casey, a VOTF board member, admits, "The average age is gray-haired folks. And they're 10 years grayer"*;
Terry McKiernan, the crotchety but frequently quoted "head" of BishopAccountability.org, admits that the abuse story has now become so long in the tooth that his people have "run of out steam"; and
"Many of the groups that appeared during the early and mid-2000s have shrunk or disappeared."
Indeed, the most recent national conference of VOTF looked more like a nursing home than the gathering of a burgeoning activist group.
Voice of the Faithful 10th Anniversary Conference in Boston, September 2013: The remnants of the geezer rebellion.
As always, it was never really about sex abuse
As the Post chronicles the demise of SNAP, VOTF, and other Church bashers, it again becomes clear that these groups' true mission was never really about protecting children. Instead, the real motivation behind the formation of these groups had always been to try to force the Church to conform to their own "progressive" agenda.
As the Post notes, these groups were always comprised of dissident folks interested in "changing the church" and debating "dramatic structural changes such as electing bishops and allowing priests to marry."
The Post reports that SNAP member David Lorenz "worships with a breakaway independent group" and "his wife has become active in ending celibacy."*
In other words, the issue of sex abuse by clergy several decades ago has just been window dressing to conceal the real agenda of radical "reform," a point we have made several … times … before.
As the Church cannot change its essential truths to accommodate the demands of aging radicals, it is little wonder that these groups are slowly dying off and disappearing.
[* - Two lines in the original article have since been deleted by the Post: 1. The line that quotes Bill Casey, "The average age is gray-haired folks. And they're 10 years grayer," and 2. "[SNAP's David Lorenz's] wife has become active in ending celibacy." Fortunately, we captured a cached version of the original piece.]