Barbara Dorris Talks about Being a Victim of Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church

March 14, 2013

[with video]

Nearly 100,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City to see the newly elected pope, including victims of sexual abuse.

Barbara Dorris says she first began to be sexually abused at age six by the parish priest and the rapes continued for seven years at her church and home in St. Louis.

"He told me he was sent by God to save my soul because I was an evil child," Dorris said.

She says you can't get over the abuse, you just learn to live with it. She is now part of SNAP, a survivor's network for those abused by priests.

Dorris believes the church abuse scandal that was first uncovered ten years ago in the U.S. is far from over.

"It's the tip of the iceberg, it's broken in some countries, in the United States, in Canada...but the developing countries and some of the other countries haven't hit yet."

She says until the enablers are held accountable for what they've done instead of rewarded the problem will continue.








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