| Priest's Sex Abuse Victim Finds Hope, after Mendham Monument Destroyed a Second Time
By Louis C. Hochman
March 14, 2013
A memorial to victims of church sex abuse outside St. Joseph Church in Mendham has been destroyed for the second time in two years. (Photo by Mendham Borough Police)
Police are continuing to search for the vandal or vandals who badly damaged a monument to child victims of sex abuse in the Catholic Church — the second time in less than two years the monument has been attacked.
The man who led a drive to create the monument, and then to replace it after a borough man allegedly took a sledgehammer to the monument in 2011, has been just as busy. Bill Crane said he's been in touch with representatives of St. Joseph Church, where the monument is located, and he's learned repairs will be covered by insurance.
"They've been nothing but positive and respectful," Crane, who runs ProtectKidsFirst.org, said. "They reached out to be last week through an attorney and told me, 'However Mr. Crane would like to proceed, he has our 100 percent support.'"
Crane, in his childhood, had been among the several victims of then-Catholic priest James Hanley, who was removed in 2003 after admitting in a sworn statement for a civil lawsuit he sexually abused about a dozen child parishioners in Mendham and Pompton Plains between 1968 and 1982.
The monument outside St. Joseph Church, after it was destroyed a first time, in 2011.
Hanley had been accused of victimizing several more children; in 2004, the Diocese of Paterson settled lawsuits with 21 of Hanley's accusers for nearly $5 million. Crane said he's spoken to survivors of Hanley's abuse who've never come forward publicly, and estimates the number of victimized children to be "well over 100 individuals."
The monument, which measured about 2 feet by 2 feet, had been inspired by James Kelly, a 37-year-old Hanley victim who committed suicide. It was seen as a symbol of healing at St. Joseph, in Mendham, and throughout the Diocese of Paterson.
Its millstone was inscribed with words from the Gospel according to Matthew in which Jesus says that whomever harms children would be better off "to have a millstone hung around his neck and (be) thrown into the depth of the sea."
Crane, who lived in Mendham but now lives in Sandy, Ore., said when he heard about the new vandalism, he was "shell-shocked."
"I stopped what I was doing. I'd been driving. I got the call from the attorney, we communicated a little bit, and I hng up the phone. I went on a three-hour mountain bike to gather my thoughts, get a little perspective," he said. "I had a tremendous amount of adrenaline, and I just needed to release it. But the only thing that made sense to me: This is an opportunity to rebuild, and reunite."
Crane is already looking forward to the opportunity to rededicate the monument— to see it rebuilt, once again, and have its resurrection serve as a symbol of hope.
News of its vandalism, he said, has prompted more victims of sex abuse by clergy to get in touch with him. Because of his own advocacy and outreach, Crane said, he's got a strong network of support services and other victims who can help them.
"Sometimes just being a friend to them, and giving them a little direction at the intersection of hope and hurt, can help, he said.
Crane said those involved in the monument are still working to determine what will be involved in repairing it.
The damage in the latest vandalism had been to two statues — one of a young boy, the other of a young girl. The damage to the boy statue, mostly chips to its porcelain, might be repairable, Crane said. The girl statue will need to be replaced. It was broken off at the ankles, and an arm broke off when it hit the ground.
Crane said he sees heavy symbolism in the damage done to the "children." He said some of Hanley's victims had been girls.
The memorial was first created at a cost of more than $10,000 — much of it anonymously donated by Hanley victims or people who support them, Crane said. The cost to replace a single statue, though covered by insurance, will be about $3,500, he said. In all, he estimated repairs, if the boy statue can be salvaged, will cost about $5,000.
Crane is hopeful for a rededication during April, which is recognized as Child Sex Abuse Awareness Month. He's also hopeful Gov. Chris Christie, who lives in Mendham, will see it as an opportunity to sign a proclomation recognizing the month or take other action — though overtures asking the governor to get involved in the last dedication went unanswered, Crane said.
For all his emphasis on hope, Crane said he wouldn't be surprised to see the monument attacked again at some point in the future. But it will be restored to its former form — rather than rebuilt with sturdier materials.
"I think it would be cheaper to redo it once a year in porcelain than to redo it in bronze once," he said.
So far, Mendham police have no solid leads on the vandalism, Mendham Borough Mayor Neil Henry said.
"I know as a community member, (the vandalism) is insulting. It's an attack on the victims, and it's an attack on the community," he said.
Morris County Crimestoppers is offering $2,000 to anyone who can provide information that leads to the arrest or indictment of the responsible person or people — its usual $1,000 reward, plus another provided by an anonymous donor. Anyone with any information can call CrimeStoppers at 973-Cop-Call or 1-800-Sheriff. No one will ask your name.
Gordon Ellis, the man accused in the 2011 vandalism, appeared in Morris County court Wednesday, but his case was adjourned to April 3. He's pursuing a mental health defense, but his attorney is awaiting a report from a psychiatrist before moving forward.
The Rev. Msgr. Joseph Anginoli of St. Joseph Church has not yet returned calls placed by NJ.com last week and this week seeking comment.