| Scola Becomes "Papabile" Again: the Americans Are Also with Him
By Andrea Tornielli
Vatican Insider
March 8, 2013
Cardinal Angelo Scola
After four days of discussions and six General Congregations, the groups and the strongest "papabili" are emerging more clearly in the meeting room but even more so in the face to face talks taking place away from prying eyes. Among them is the Archbishop of Milan, Angelo Scola, who is coming to the fore. He has been considered one of the possible candidates for the Papal Seat right from the beginning; the votes of several American cardinals and of other European cardinal electors, from Germany to Eastern Europe, as well as those of some Italians, could be cast for him. It is important to remember that thanks to the initiatives of the Oasis Foundation, the Milanese cardinal has interwoven relationships with Eastern Churches as well; for example, with the Lebanese Patriarch Bechara Rai.
Scola was held in particular esteem by Pope Benedict XVI, who transferred him from the Venice to the diocese of Milan. An unprecedented decision considered as a sign by many. And it is no secret that Joseph Ratzinger, endorsing Cardinal Camillo Ruini's suggestion, had also considered him in 2007 for appointment as President of the Italian Episcopal Conference. At that time, it was the newly appointed Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone, who objected and the nomination was dropped. Scola is thus perceived as an outsider to the Roman Curia and to the management that has characterized it in recent years. Because of his international renown he could be one of the two strongest candidates from the very first vote in the Conclave that starts next week.
The other candidate who, at the moment, is expected to start with a good number of votes is the Brazilian Odilo Pedro Scherer, Archbishop of Sao Paulo, who has a long curial and Vatican experience and would have the support of some influential Cardinals of the Curia; from the former Prefect of bishops, Giovanni Battista Re, to the Dean Angelo Sodano (who will not enter the Sistine Chapel to vote).
We must see how much weight the recent debates, the criticisms over the Curia's management and the desire for renewal will have. And also how many votes will be cast for other candidates such as the Canadian Marc Ouellet, the Hungarian Peter Erdo, the Latin American Bergoglio, Robles Ortega and Rodriguez Maradiaga; and the outsiders Ranijth, Tagle and O'Malley (the latter tied to Scola by mutual esteem).
All is possible. But, as early as the second day of the Conclave, the balance could change and, as occurred in the second election of 1978, a surprise could emerge.