| Cardinal George: Next Pope Must Have 'Zero Tolerance' for Sex Abuse
The Chicagoist
March 5, 2013
Photo of Cardinal Francis George and Pope Benedict XVI
Chicago's Cardinal Francis George says the next pope must have "zero tolerance" for the sexual abuse of minors. While most of us would just say "Duh!" George's statement is actually a rare public acknowledgement of the priesthood's many abuse crimes in the context of choosing a new pope.
In a press conference, Cardinal George was asked what traits he wants to see in the next leader of the Catholic Church. The New York Times writes:
“He obviously has to accept the universal code of the church now, which is zero tolerance for anyone who has abused a child,” Cardinal George said in answer to a question at a news conference.
“There’s a deep-seated conviction, certainly on the part of anyone who has been a pastor,” he said, “that this has to be continually addressed.”
The cardinal asserted that efforts by American churchmen had led to a sharp reduction in reported abuse cases. “But there’s still the victims,” he continued. “The wound is still deep in their hearts, and as long as it’s with them it will be with us. The pope has to keep this in mind.”
David Clohessy of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) told the New York Times that George's statement is encouraging. “It should be a topic and we are glad that Cardinal George said it will be and must be, but the focus has got to be on safeguarding kids first, healing victims second.”
In the meantime, Vatican officials continue to dodge questions regarding Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the British cleric who recently admitted, "There have been times that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal."
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