| Veteran Priest Calls for Probe into Churchmen Abuse Allegations Claiming Decades of Cover-Ups Have Failed Victims
By Marion Scott
Daily Record
March 3, 2013
Priest John Robinson from Edinburgh
Pope John Paul II makes Keith O'Brien a Cardinal in 2003
FATHER John Robinson, 71, has called for an open investigation into the claims against Cardinal Keith O'Brien and other historic allegations against churchmen.
A VETERAN priest has accused the Catholic Church of decades of cover-up and a conspiracy of silence.
Father John Robinson broke ranks yesterday to call for an open investigation into allegations made against Cardinal Keith O’Brien.
He spoke out after Church leaders sent a letter to Scotland’s priests telling them not to talk about the claims of inappropriate behaviour, which are denied by the cardinal but are being investigated by the Vatican.
The 71-year-old West Lothian-based priest called for a forum to hear the claims against the cardinal and other historic allegations against churchmen.
Father Robinson, who was ordained 41 years ago, said: “If the Catholic Church in Scotland is to heal itself, we need transparency and understanding.
“For far too long, there has been secrecy and a complete unwillingness to address the abuses of the past – and look where it has taken us. We are all hurting today because of it.
“We need to learn lessons from the mistakes we have made in the past and move on to become a more loving and understanding church which does not condemn victims or even abusers.”
He added: “I wrote to the cardinal this week to offer him support and my love as a brother priest but I have not heard back from him.”
Cardinal O’Brien, who had been an outspoken critic of gay marriage, is accused of inappropriate behaviour towards three priests and one former priest dating back to the early 1980s.
But it emerged on Friday that another complaint about his behaviour, dating back to 2001, had been sent directly to the Vatican in October. Sources said the alleged victim did not trust the Church hierarchy in Scotland to investigate his claims properly.
It was reported yesterday that it was this initial allegation which prompted the cardinal to announce his retirement as the Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh.
He was due to stand down on his 75th birthday this month but resigned on Monday – the day after the new claims were made public and just before he was to travel to Rome to help choose the successor to Pope Benedict XVI.
A source said the first complaint in October gave the other priests the courage to
come forward, adding: “It took someone to put their head above the parapet.”
Father Robinson yesterday said it was time for the Church to face up to claims of
wrongdoing by priests and do everything possible to bring comfort to their victims.
He said: “Pope Benedict said that we must care for the victims of abuse. But what has the Catholic Church in Scotland actually done for victims here?
“We, as priests, are told to refer inquiries about such things to the Catholic media office.
“We are also told there is a safeguarding process in existence.
“But what practical help and support actually is there for victims and their families?
“From my own experiences, I have seen no evidence of any such support. We need victims to feel able to come forward and be believed. They need support, understanding and practical help.
“Indeed, many of my brother priests have not wanted to know or hear about it, and I have personal experience of that attitude.
“I believe we must also provide support and care for those who have been falsely accused.
“What the Church needs now is a proper truth and reconciliation forum which will provide proper love and care for those who need it.”
Father Robinson has twice had high-profile run-ins with Cardinal O’Brien.
In 2003, he refused to leave his church-owned house after quitting a post at Sacred Heart Church in Penicuik, Midlothian.
And in 2010, he publicly supported a young man who was convicted of breaking into a chapel house in West Lothian and claimed he had been raped there by a now dead priest.
Cardinal O’Brien had warned him not to get personally involved.
Father Robinson, who relieves parish priests who are on holiday or sick, said he was also concerned about the pressures on the men who have made the allegations against Cardinal O’Brien.
He said: “I am mindful of the pain suffered by all concerned, and would call for respect for them and their privacy if that is what they wish.
“We should acknowledge the good work they have all been doing in their various parishes despite being under this burden over the years. We need to send assurances of our love and care.”
Meanwhile, the influential Catholic weekly newspaper The Tablet has called for the
cardinal’s resignation to mark a new chapter in the Church’s stance on gay marriage.
An article said the allegations of inappropriate behaviour involving young priests against a man who had very loudly led the charge against gay marriage had potential to become a “public relations disaster” for the Church.