| Pell Critical of Pope As He Bids Farewell
Hobsons Bay Weekly
February 28, 2013
Pilgrims and clergy members hold a candle-lit vigil in Saint Peter's Square, facing Pope Benedict XVI's private apartment, after his final weekly public audience in Vatican City, Vatican. Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images
Nuns wait in the crowd for the arrival of Pope Benedict XV in St Peter's Square in Vatican City. Photo by Carsten Koall
Posters wish Pope Benedict XVI farewell after giving his final general audience in St Peter's Square before his retirement in Vatican City. Photo by Christopher Furlong
Pope Benedict XVI waves to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Squareduring his final general audience in Vatican City. Photo by Franco Origlia
Pilgrims and clergy members hold a candle-lit vigil in Saint Peter's Square, facing Pope Benedict XVI's private apartment, after his final weekly public audience in Vatican City, Vatican. Photo by Oli Scarff
Pilgrims and clergy members hold a candle-lit vigil in Saint Peter's Square, facing Pope Benedict XVI's private apartment, after his final weekly public audience in Vatican City, Vatican. Photo by Oli Scarff
ROME: A frail Pope Benedict made his public farewell to the world's Catholics on Wednesday morning, hours after one of his closest allies - Sydney Archbishop George Pell - criticised his decision to resign and said the church needed a stronger leader.
Cardinal Pell, who was close to the Pope when both served on the key Vatican watchdog congregation and played an important role gathering support for him at the 2005 conclave at which Benedict was elected, said the resignation created a precedent and left the church in an even more uncertain position.
Cardinal Pell, Australia's only voter at the coming papal election, was unexpectedly candid in a television interview.
He said: ''People who, for example, might disagree with a future pope will mount a campaign to get him to resign.''
He called the Pope a brilliant teacher but said government was not his strongest point.
''He's got to know his theology but I think I prefer somebody who can lead the church and pull it together a bit,'' he said.
Benedict was the first pope to step down voluntarily since 1294, and conservatives fear the precedent will open the church to other possible innovations at a time when it faces profound challenges.
In Rome - which was bathed in pale winter sunshine - Benedict made a poignant farewell at his final general audience, threading his way in the popemobile through the thousands gathered in St Peter's Square.
Benedict clearly enjoyed the crowds, taking a long victory lap around the square and stopping to kiss and bless half a dozen children handed to him by his secretary.
In his address, he recalled moments of ''joy and light'' during his papacy but also times of great difficulty.
''The Lord gave us days of sun and of light breeze, days in which the fishing was good. There were also moments when there were stormy waters and headwinds,'' he said, drawing an analogy with a Biblical passage.
Pilgrims and wellwishers gave him an affectionate farewell, waving placards saying ''goodbye and thanks''. But only those already scheduled to attend the audience were allowed in the square, leaving many thousands more pressed up against the barriers and down the street, leaving Benedict the same remote figure he often seemed during his papacy.
For those in the audience, it was a bonus to be part of history. There were also plenty of prelates present, whose minds must have turned partly to the coming few weeks and a conclave lacking any strong favourites.
Cardinal Pell said he was unlikely to be promoted, but did not rule it out. ''It could happen - I'm Catholic, I'm a bishop, I'm a cardinal,'' he said.
But this final public appearance by the introverted Mozart-playing cat-lover was a chance to focus on the present and the past.
Benedict has not commanded anything like the popular appeal of his predecessor, John Paul II, but Catholics have responded to an endearing shy humility that has marked him amid his travails.
He concluded with Our Father in Latin and a gently voiced blessing.