| Pope Benedict Named in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
February 27, 2013
A woman who runs an organization for people who have claimed sexual abuse by Catholic priests said the pope is responsible for allowing the activities to continue.
SAN ANTONIO (KENS/CBS) – A woman whose son committed suicide is filing a lawsuit against the man she believes is responsible for his death – the pope.
Barbara Boehland said her son killed himself after suffering sexual abuse from a priest while he was a student.
Boehland is the director of the San Antonio chapter of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP). The organization has asked the international crime court to open up an investigation requesting the prosecution of high-level Vatican officials, including Pope Benedict XVI and several of his cardinals, as criminally responsible for aiding and abetting these crimes.
This includes moving priests to different locations after an alleged sexual incident has happened.
Boehland hopes that this investigation can stop any other families from going through the pain that she is dealing with.
A similar lawsuit was filed against the pope in 2010, and it was thrown out.
The Vatican claimed the pope can't be held liable for the actions of abusive priests.