| “cardinals Will Decide on Conclave Start Date and New Pope Will Take Care of the Lefebvrians”
By Alessandro Speciale
Vatican Insider
February 21, 2013
Fr. Federico Lombardi
“Profound and and positive” is how Vatican spokesman, Fr. Federico Lombardi described Pope Benedict XVI's spirit in these, his last days as Pope. Benedict XVI sees this period as a time for “deep reflection and common spiritual searching, inviting the Church to adopt this outlook too during this time.” Fr. Lombardi was keen to stress this in light of fresh news claiming that dossiers and a poisonous atmosphere in the Vatican are what prompted the Pope to resign.
The director of the Vatican Press Office said he did not wish to “comment, deny or confirm what is being said on the subject.” Today, major Italian newspaper, La Repubblica, leaked what it claims is the content of the report - on the findings of the Vatileaks investigation - which Cardinals Julian Herranz, Salvatore De Giorgi and Josef Tomko delivered to the Pope a few months ago. “The Commission did its job, delivering the report directly to the Holy Father who had asked for it,” Fr. Lombardi said. “We should not be influenced by all the inferences, fantasies and opinions that are expressed on this issue and don't expect the three cardinals to give interviews either, because they have agreed not to respond to questions or hand out information on this subject.”
In a press conference this morning, the Vatican spokesman stressed the impossibility of knowing the exact date of the start of the Conclave. “Whether a motu proprio issued or not, it is the cardinals who will decide on the start date for the Conclave, in a General Congregation which will meet during the sede vacante period.” “No one – the Jesuit spokesman underlined – no matter how authoritative a position they hold, can say for the time being when the Conclave will start.”
So were Benedict XVI to issue a motu proprio as Fr. Lombardi confirmed yesterday, it would have no dramatic effect on the Conclave: in fact the document would “not affect any major points, only points that needed clarification.”
Pope Benedict XVI has also decided to leave the dossier on the Lefebvrians to his successor, after years of trying to definitively reconcile the traditionalist group with the Catholic Church. “Given these extraordinary circumstances – Fr. Lombardi said – the Holy Father is entrusting the issue regarding the Church's relations with the priestly Society of St. Pius X to the next Pope,” so no statements will be made in the next few days regarding relations with the Lefebvrians.”
Finally, the Vatican spokesman also commented on Pope Benedict XVI's last public event, the General Audience on 27 February. “It will be just like any other General Audience,” Fr. Lombardi informed, “except there will be tens of thousands of people present” unlike the few thousand who usually attend. The Pope will “go round the square in the Popemobile so he can greet everyone but there will be nothing unusual or complex about the actual structure or duration of the Audience.”
The Holy See's media team is also getting a boost ahead of the sede vacante period. The director of the Vatican Press Office, Fr. Lombardi and Passionist Vice-director, Ciro Benedettini will be assisted by two priests, the English-speaking Canadian, Tom Rosica and the Spanish speaker, Gil Tamayo.