| Kasper: “more Collegiality Needed in the Church”
Vatican Insider
February 20, 2013
Walter Kasper
Ratzinger’s resignation has “shed new light on the papacy” because the essence, the nature of the Petrine ministry is given by Jesus and cannot be changed” but “what changes is the sacred aura that surrounds the papacy which has mainly been gained over the past two centuries” and “has been lost some extent,” Cardinal Walter Kasper explained to Italy’s Corriere della Sera newspaper. Cardinal Kasper, who was previously in charge of Vatican relations with other faiths, believes “the Pope’s role needs rethinking.”
What the Church also needs to do is “rethink the relationship between the Curia and local churches, how to hold communion and how to improve communication within the Church.” “It is essential that the Curia be organised in a more suitable way so that it is better placed to face the challenges of our time. Coordination between dicasteries needs to be improved, there needs to be more collegiality and better communication.” The Church also needs to reflect on the role of the synods because sometimes when bishops meet, the topics addressed are too generic and they fail to discuss the concrete issues faced by the Church.” A Church which is being affected by a growing secularisation in Europe. We know that most Catholics live in the southern hemisphere. This is a new situation and presents new challenge.”
According to Cardinal Kasper, the new Pope will need to be someone “who has charisma and is able to influence faithful. A real shepherd of the people but also a shepherd who knows how to lead the Church. I think what is needed today is experience of the universal Church; knowing about one country or one diocese in particular is not enough.”