| Some Sharp Elbows Eminence-Ly Showing
National Survivor Advocates Coalition
February 20, 2013
NSAC takes note of Cardinal elector Velasio De Paolis for publicly taking the position that while Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles can be part of the conclave he should not be.
This kind of sharp elbowing by a Cardinal is rarely seen in the media and is in his princely class edging up to the category of a glove slap duel challenge.
Here’s the link to USA Today’s story: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/02/19/pope-conclave-cardinal-mahony-sex-abuse/1931185/
Cardinal De Paolis was part of the Vatican commission that reviewed the Legionnaires of Christ religious order in the wake of public revelations about its disgraced founder, Marcial Maciel.
His strong dropping of a conscience hint conclave embargo against Mahony, let us hope, is built on the insight he may have gain from that commission.
Cardinal De Paolis also said, “He (Mahony) could be advised not to take part only through a private intervention by someone with great authority.”
We strongly urge Cardinal De Paolis to speak to the “great authority” while he is participating in the Vatican Lenten retreat with him. Pope Benedict should bar Cardinal Mahony from the conclave.
NSAC called for Cardinal Mahony to be excluded from the conclave in its initial statement on Pope Benedict’s resignation on 2/11/13. Here’s the link to our statement:
You can sign the “Stay Home, Cardinal Mahony” petition at Catholic-United.org’s website.
Once again, if you think it’s not worth it, have you seen a Cardinal take the gloves off against another Cardinal before?
We call your attention to the comment by papabile Cardinal Peter Turkson equating sexual abuse to homosexuality and absolving his continent, yes, indeed the entire continent, of it because of the African culture condemns homosexuality.
Here’s the link to the story:
It would be terrific if a wonderland of a “culture” existed to protect children from sexual abuse but, for sure, the land of blinders does not.
The Pope is a citizen of the world, the head of a universal Church, and his intellect must lead him to knowledge.
Tthere is plenty of knowledge now, thanks to the courage of the survivors and their families, for those who seek to know the causes of this crisis and its cover up to have it – and indeed to use it to protect children, not perpetrators.