What the New Pope Should Do

Association of Catholic Priests
February 19, 2013

To restore the credibility of the Catholic Church for alienated Catholics and the wider society, a new Pope should :

1 . Decentralise the absolutism and creeping infallibility within the papacy in favour of national bishops’ conferences, who should exercise co-responsibility with the Pope, with the Roman Curia reformed to become an administrative arm of the Church .

2. Establish that unity through diversity rather than uniformity be a guiding principle in all areas of Church governance and theological reflection.

3  Ensure that respect for the human rights of all the people of God should be foundational in the exercise of power within the Church.

4. Make all ministries within the Church  open to women.

5. Oversee democratic structures being developed in the selection of all church offices.

6. Establish a revitalised theology of sexuality (especially on homosexuality) based on the dignity of the human person rather than on natural law.

7. See the creation of a more inclusive Church community where everyone is welcomed into full communion of our Church

8. Give a renewed impetus towards full Christian unity to eliminate the scandal of Christian division.


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