Royal Commission Offers Chance to 'Purify'

The Australian
February 17, 2013

CATHOLIC Bishops in NSW have signed a letter urging parishioners and clergy not to bury their heads in the sand ahead of the royal commission into child sexual abuse.

In a publication signed by 15 bishops, including the Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal George Pell, parishoners and clergy are urged to reflect upon the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.

"We must not put our heads in the sand about any of this, or try to minimise or explain it away," the letter published on Sunday states.

"The fact is that our Dioceses have all known cases of child abuse."

The royal commission should be viewed as an opportunity for victims to obtain a just hearing, the letter states.

"These terrible sins and crimes, and their mishandling by church authorities have done great damage to the victims and their families," it states.

"As leaders ... we must listen to people's hurt and respond with humility and compassion."

However, it adds that as the commission begins to hold hearings and take submissions across Australia, the stories of abuse should not see people loose sight of the church's achievements.

"The current crisis is an opportunity for purification of the Church - a Lenten return for each one of us personally and all of us collectively," the letter states.


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