| Revealed: Founder of Disgraced Catholic Order Legion of Christ Fathered Three Secret Children with Two Women and the Vatican Ignored Allegations of Abuse
Daily Mail
February 16, 2013
The inner workings of a secretive and now-disgraced Roman Catholic order called the Legion of Christ were revealed by documents released on Friday.
They include details on how the founder of the organization, the Reverend Marcial Maciel who died in 2008, lived a double life, fathering three children, and was accused of abusing seminarians. The Legion kept this information hidden.
Also revealed are allegations that the organization solicited money from an elderly widow, eventually persuading her to bequeath it $60 million.
The scandal, which has tarnished the legacy of Pope John Paul II, is cited as an especially egregious example of how the Vatican ignored decades of reports about sexually abusive priests because church leaders put the interests of the institution above those of the victims.
Unsealed documents have shed light on the double life led by Marcial Maciel (left), founder of the disgraced Catholic Legion of Christ order. He is seen here with Pope John Paul II (right) in 2004
These documents, released in Rhode Island, are the first-ever depositions of high-ranking Legion officials and include how the order's former second-in-command learned in 2006 that its founder had fathered a child.
The No. 2 said he didn't go public with the news of the paternity because Maciel, had already been sanctioned by the Holy See for having sexually abused seminarians and forced into a lifetime of penance and prayer.
Pope Benedict XVI took over the Legion in 2010 after a Vatican investigation into Maciel determined that the Reverend had fathered three children by two women. The pope ordered a wholesale reform of the order and named a papal delegate to oversee it.
In other documents released Friday, the Rev. Luis Garza, the former No. 2 of the Legion, details for the first time how he confronted Maciel's mistress and daughter, starting in October 2006, after he became suspicious while visiting Maciel in a Jacksonville, Fla., hotel that June and seeing the two women there.
In 2010 Blanca Lara Gutierrez alleged that Marcial Maciel sexually abused one of his two sons with her as well as a son she had from a previous relationship
Jose Raul Gonzalez Lara (left) and Omar Gonzalez Lara (right) both claim they were abused by Marcial Maciel - their father
Jose Raul Gonzalez Lara (left) and Omar Gonzalez Lara (right) both claim they were abused by Marcial Maciel - their father
Both women confirmed Maciel's paternity, and Garza said he obtained the daughter's birth certificate as proof - listing the father as Jose Rivas. Later, it was revealed that Maciel used the same pseudonym with his other hidden family, a Mexican woman with whom he had two sons.
In 2010 Blanca Lara Gutierrez alleged that Maciel sexually abused one of his two sons with her as well as a son she had from a previous relationship. The sons, now adults named Jose Raul and Omar, said the abuse went on for years.
Lara Gutierrez said she met Maciel in Tijuana in the 1970s but did not know he was a priest. She said he passed himself off as an employee of an international oil company, a private investigator and a CIA agent.
Garza said he never confronted Maciel about his double life and didn't think it was necessary to share the news with the broader membership of the Legion or its lay movement Regnum Christi. He said he only told the Legion's superior and two other priests.
'I didn't think at the time that the fact that fathering a child would change in any way the way we needed to behave vis-a-vis Father Maciel or the actions that we needed to do,' Garza said in the 2011 deposition.
Reverend Marcial Maciel, who died in 2008, fathered three secret children with two separate women and was accused of abusing seminarians
'Because we needed to comply with indications of the Holy See and also because there was an issue of privacy and respect for the mother and the daughter.'
The Legion didn't acknowledge Maciel's children or the sexual abuse allegations against him until February 2009, about a year after he died.
The papers also describe how the organization solicited money from an elderly widow, eventually persuading her to bequeath it $60 million.
The documents, previously sealed in a lawsuit brought before Superior Court in Rhode Island, include thousands of pages of testimony from high-ranking leaders at the Legion, its members and relatives of wealthy widow Gabrielle Mee.
A Rhode Island Superior Court judge said last year that the documents raised a red flag because Mee, a steadfastly spiritual elderly woman, transferred millions to 'clandestinely dubious religious leaders.'
But they had been kept under seal until The Associated Press, The New York Times, the National Catholic Reporter and The Providence Journal intervened, arguing that they were in the public interest.
The Legion of Christ is also accused of soliciting $60 million from an elderly widow, Gabriel Mee. The woman's niece alleges her aunt was defrauded by the Legion and unduly influenced by its priests into giving away her fortune
The Legion had argued media coverage of the documents could taint prospective jurors if there was a trial.
Mary Lou Dauray had alleged that her aunt, Mee, who died at age 96 in 2008, was defrauded by the Legion and unduly influenced by its priests into giving away her fortune. Her late husband was a onetime director of Fleet National Bank.
The Legion said that it didn't exert undue influence over her decision-making and that the gifts were made of her own will.
'Our actions with regard to Mrs. Mee and her estate were appropriate and honorable,' Legion spokesman Jim Fair said. 'We were respectful and diligent in carrying out her wishes in the handling of resources provided to the Legion.'
In a separate lawsuit, Mee said in a 2001 deposition that she had 'complete confidence and trust' in the Legion, despite never asking details of its activities.
Mee said she had met with Maciel and he told her the Legion was 'in a crunch.'
'We only ask God for what we need,' Maciel said, according to her testimony. She replied, ''And the angel Gabriel came down from heaven.' My name is Gabrielle.'
The Legion didn't acknowledge Maciel's children or the sexual abuse allegations against him until February 2009, about a year after he died.
She said she was never directly asked for money but it was 'understood' that she'd help whenever the Legion needed it.
'When I, through the grapevine, hear that something is going on and they know it, it's understood if I can help, I'd be very glad to,' she said. 'Because I have total confidence, you see. Whatever they do is part of my life.'
Bernard Jackvony, the lawyer for Mee's niece, said taken as a whole, the depositions expose how the Legion knew by 2004 that the Vatican was investigating Maciel for sexual abuse and by 2006 that he had a daughter yet kept the information private.
He argued that Mee never would have given the Legion her money had she known of Maciel's true nature.
'In terms of fraud, when you withhold information from people, that's the same as if you said something to them that's not true,' he said.
Garza also confirmed he was a member of a committee of three Legion priests who met annually to decide how to distribute funds from Mee's trusts.
A Superior Court judge ruled in September that Mee's niece, Dauray, couldn't sue, but he noted there was evidence that Mee had been unduly persuaded to change her trusts and will.