| Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI Resigns As Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s Deceitful to Say “roman Pontiff” of “roman Catholic Church”
By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
February 14, 2013
A lawyer who successfully represented 40,000 women who were raped in the war in Bosnia writes that the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and Vicars can be prosecuted in The Hague in their cover-up of the rape of tens of thousands of children raped by Vatican Catholic pedophile priests. He cites the articles of International Law that apply to the priestly sodomy crimes which fall under crimes against humanity, see news article below.
The reason why Benedict XVI resigned is not health but the Vatican Wealth and it was a papal coup d’etat by the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone, as cardinals call Benedict XVI as “Joe the Rat”, read more below.
The well-paid Vatican Pied Pipers are all out now in full force propagating Vatican hidden agendas in TV, news papers and in the Internet. The foremost Vatican Pied Piper is John L. Allen Jr. but we won’t waste space for his Vatican Deceits here.
The next pope has long been chosen, brainwashed and trained. All speculation out there is utter hypocrisy of Vatican Deceits Media Empire and Vatican pretence of black smoke and white smoke.
Read more below on how the Vatican will capitalize everyday of Lent and especially the Holy Week and Easter to portray criminal Ratzinger as “holy” … and how two live popes (one retired and the other incoming) will concelebrate on Easter Sunday at St. Peter’s Square, two popes for the first time in history.
We post here images of the 9-month human gestation of Christ in his mother’s womb, the cloning process of Dolly the sheep, and the 9-seconds transubstantiation or “cloning” of Christ by the Pope and priests.
The diplomatic immunity of Cardinals and nuncios are being used to feed the voracious Vatican Mammon Beast, read articles below and links to our related articles.
February 11, 2013 Last Tsar Benedict XVI resigns
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This post is bespoke by St. Michael the Archangel
Our Lady of Lourdes versus Benedict XVI, Cardinals, Bishops, Vicars and priests