| David Horsey’s L.A. Times Cartoon Revives Ugly Anti-catholicism
February 12, 2013
It does not get much uglier than this. A 'political cartoon' from David Horsey at the Los Angeles Times
In an episode that recalls something out of the 19th-century, anti-Catholic Know Nothing movement, a political cartoon in the Los Angeles Times by David Horsey portrays a Catholic priest as Satan.
Horsey's bigoted work is sure to put smiles on the faces of those at the New York Times, SNAP, and other anti-Catholics.
Disinformation and a double standard
Horsey's attack plays into the oft-heard falsehood that somehow there is still an abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. In truth, there is not. Almost all of the stories we have read in recent years about cases in Los Angeles and elsewhere are about episodes from many decades ago.
Meanwhile, around the same time that Horsey's cartoon aired, readers of London's Sunday Times charged that another cartoon, a brutal assessment of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was "grotesque," "offensive," and "anti-Semitic." The criticism was enough that News Corp's Rupert Murdoch, the owner of the paper, immediately issued an apology.
Yet when it comes to Horsey's bigoted work, an apology to Catholics is not even on the radar.
Yet again: Double … standard.